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This Chevy Blazer rear driveshaft is a fit for Blazer's that have a factory bolt-on yoke on the rear output of the transfercase; most commonly found on K5s with a factory NP205 transfercase. If you are running over a 4" lift, you will want to convert to CV style rear driveshaft. Please contact us for the run-down on how to do it. 


This K5 Driveshaft utilizes the following:

-Neapco 1310 series solid-cross u-joints

-3 3/4" usable travel slip and spline combination

-2.5" x .083" American DOM Seamless tubing

-Heat straightened and dyno-balanced 



Chevy K5 Blazer Rear Driveshaft: 1310 Slip/Spline x 1310

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